Thursday, May 24, 2012

I've been switching Ghlenlivet over to this feed called CoolStance.  It's a low carb, high fat feed.  It's made of medium chain triglycerides -  which basically means the feed starts to digest almost as soon as the food is swallowed, not in the hind gut where alot of feeds are digested (which can lead to hind gut acidosis and colic).  MCT also means that the glucose gets stored easily in the cells and is easily accessible for energy.  It does not need to be converted into something the body can use as it comes out of the is already in a usable form, unlike some other oils and high fats like vegetable oil or corn oil.

Because Ghlen has shivers, he needs to have a steady stream of glucose in his system, not the highs and lows associated with some other feeds - but without molasses and grains.  His body doesn't tolerate the molasses and grains in many feeds.  He can't even have sugar cubes, poor kid!  But he gets plenty of carrots and some apples to boot.   Studies show that blood glucose stays a constant steady on this feed for 24 hours/day.  Cool Stance is turning out to be a great feed for him!

Cool Stance has been around for 20 years or more in Australia and other European countries.  They have to CoolStance feed, PowerStance (which is coconut oil which is dried into powder form) and even some human coconut products. They are just now marketing in the US.  For more information, go to or click HERE

Thank you, Cool Stance!

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