The late Ollie and me 2010 |
We all had to learn to ride somewhere, eh? I started when I was three on my brother's pony and went from there on my own with borrowed ponies and horses whenever someone would allow me a ride on their steeds. But when it came to lessons, I did not take lessons until I was about 11 years old. We had just moved to Andrews, SC and she was an instructor in Georgetown about 30 minutes away. Her name is Rona Jacobs. What I remember most about her was her gentleness, her kindness and her sense of humor! She backed my first horse, Stardust Dancer (Dusty) which had been given to me a few years prior as a newborn. She taught me hunt seat, equitation and jumping - all of which I loved! It was under her care and instruction I was reserve champion for SC for whatever circuit we were showing in a couple of these (can't recall which now - I'm 50!) after just one year of her teaching. She took me into to her home and allowed several of us horse crazy girls to spend the night often - sleeping in sleeping bags in her living room floor. She became like an aunt to me in my early years. She taught me not only to ride, but that sportsmanship and teamwork and integrity mattered in life too. It's not just about winning, but about living life well, treating your horse right, all the while going for your dream. Thank you, Rona!
I haven't seen Rona for many years but she still teaches today. Her small, oh, I don't remember, maybe 6-10 stall barn is now a 60 stall barn with an indoor arena. She has opened a therapeutic riding program in Georgetown called
Hugs for Horses - based out of her Georgetown Equestrian Center. It is a non-profit dedicated to helping people of all ages with physical, intellectual, or emotional disabilities benefit from riding, caring and loving on horses. If you'd like to see her website, please click
I did not have a picture of Rona - it has been so many years since I have seen her. A lot of pictures were wiped out by Hugo in '89. I've added a picture of me and the "Late Great Ollie Dollie - Fascination" Grand Prix Jumper and Grand Prix Dressage horse. My heart still aches when I think of him. I still can't believe he is gone. Some of them are supposed to live forever.... If I come across a picture of Rona, I will post that later.