Photo by Lindsay McCall. 2012 London Paralympic Selection Trials; Gladstone, NJ |
There are only two companies where I've tried multiple products and thought each product from that company provided a benefit to my horse. The first one I ever experienced that with was KER. The second is Ramard, Inc.
Ramard is in the process of bringing a new product out for horses who have experienced the neurological effects of EPM, as well as other neurological issues, including stringhalt and shivers, to name a few. The product is all natural and each ingredient has been proven by science to help the neurological components of the body (both human and equine) function as intended. Ghlen was the perfect horse to try this on with both shivers and EPM. Since his EPM diagnosis in June 2015, he was having trouble backing in his stall without dragging his feet. After the first dose, he was backing, lifting his feet and not dragging them, about 50% of the time. I can now ride him and back him and he backs 90% of the time as he is supposed to do. Before I started this gel by Ramard, he was completely incapable of doing this. His forward and lateral balance has become better under saddle as well and he is becoming more sure of himself. This is a totally natural product and is FDA approved. As soon as the name is announced, I will let you know!
I've also tried this product on myself. Those of you who know me know how skeptical I am of new products. You also know that since my accident in 2001, I have had anhydrosis. After just 3 or 4 doses, I am beginning to sweat! Not much yet, but definitely sweat. Errrrrr perspiration. From the positive effects seen in both Ghlen and myself, I plan to keep us both on this for many years to come.
Another Ramard product I like is Total Medicated Rinse. Ghlen is a northern boy and the bugs and heat here in the south are no friend to him. His allergic reactions are bigger than any horse I have ever owned and have sometimes produced some very serious health issues. Plus - he is a redhead. So I decided to buy some Total Medicated Rinse. It soothes his itchies and reactions and provides a nice smell which also repels the bugs. It's been tough to find things that work for him and his weird skin type. But this definitely works for him.
Total Joint supplement is another product I have begun to purchase for Ghlen. It combines MSM, chondroitin, glucosamine and HA (in a high molecular weight so it is digestible) in one supplement. I like it because #1, it works and #2, it is in an affordable monthly container. What I was purchasing before was GREAT, but I had to buy a bucket that lasted for several months at a time and with my disability, fixed income, that was getting harder and harder to do. I've been very happy with the results Total Joint gives me and none of the ingredients are on the FEI banned or controlled substance list.
I have been very happy with the Ramard products I have used. They are top quality ingredients, the benefit to my horse is definitely noticeable, and their service and quality is top of the line. I will let you know when the gel for neurological issues comes out on the market. It has already been FDA approved and is all natural. It has provided benefits for skeptical me and my horse. I was quite impressed and am looking forward to the continuing neurological improvements this product provides for both Ghlen and me.
From the bottom of my heart -- Thank you, Ramard, Inc!!