Monday, August 06, 2012

Sun News Article

Photo by Lindsay Yosef McCall 2012                
 Horse's name is misspelled on scoreboard.  He is Ghlenlivet, owned by Nancy Stanton of Chardon, OH

Steve Palisin recently did an article on Olympic and Paralympic Dressage and was kind enough to include Ghlenlivet and myself in the article.  You can find that article HERE .

Thank you Steve!

I promise to bring you up to date on my blog before too much longer.  Thank you to all my family, friends, supporters, coaches, horse owners, vets, farriers, grooms, and everyone else who makes this possible for us.  We are completely indebted to you all.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

I've been switching Ghlenlivet over to this feed called CoolStance.  It's a low carb, high fat feed.  It's made of medium chain triglycerides -  which basically means the feed starts to digest almost as soon as the food is swallowed, not in the hind gut where alot of feeds are digested (which can lead to hind gut acidosis and colic).  MCT also means that the glucose gets stored easily in the cells and is easily accessible for energy.  It does not need to be converted into something the body can use as it comes out of the is already in a usable form, unlike some other oils and high fats like vegetable oil or corn oil.

Because Ghlen has shivers, he needs to have a steady stream of glucose in his system, not the highs and lows associated with some other feeds - but without molasses and grains.  His body doesn't tolerate the molasses and grains in many feeds.  He can't even have sugar cubes, poor kid!  But he gets plenty of carrots and some apples to boot.   Studies show that blood glucose stays a constant steady on this feed for 24 hours/day.  Cool Stance is turning out to be a great feed for him!

Cool Stance has been around for 20 years or more in Australia and other European countries.  They have to CoolStance feed, PowerStance (which is coconut oil which is dried into powder form) and even some human coconut products. They are just now marketing in the US.  For more information, go to or click HERE

Thank you, Cool Stance!

Monday, May 14, 2012

Dylan, Nancy Hinz and Yellow Rose Dressage

Update 7 June 2012

Pictures are here.  Nancy Hinz, Dylan's owner, sent these pictures of Dylan - the awesome Welch Cob she allowed me to ride in TX.  They have continued to keep in touch since then and even helped raise some funds to help me get to Selection Trials!  Thank you Dylan, Nancy and all of Yellow Rose Dressage!!!!


Pictures coming, pictures coming!  I don't have any pictures back from my picture taker.  But they are coming.  I'll add them when they do!

I recently competed in Katy, Texas and the CPEDI 3* there, which was the final requirement of my being invited to the Selection Trials where the team for the 2012 Paralympic Team to London, England will be selected.

I was unable to raise the funds to bring "my" horse(s) and wrote the organizers to ask if they might have a horse I could catch ride.  They put me in touch with Nancy Hinz of Yellow Rose Dressage of Montgomery, TX.  She offered her pony, Madoc Dylan - and it ended up being a match made in heaven.

Because of finances, I could not afford to come a week early to train on Dylan.  Bill Stapleton traveled with me, did all the driving, pulled my wheelchair in and out of the car, bought food and pushed me around.  For the record, within 20 minutes of Dylan arriving at the show grounds, Bill was mucking stalls, unloading trailers, filling water buckets and giving out hay just like he had done it all his life.  He gets 5 gold stars for this trip and lots of hugs.

We arrived in time to have 3 rides on Dylan at Nancy's farm, Yellow Rose Dressage.  Then Nancy hit the road to bring him to the Great Southwestern Equestrian Center in Katy, TX.  Dylan is so awesome!  He is a Welch Cob pony, not a spooker, and boy, if you insist on it, he delivers.  I had a little trouble with my insisting sometimes (something I am working on), but he still was rock, solid stable.  For the team test (and on our 5th ride together), he delivered a 65 and some change.  The next day was the individual test for 62 and change.  Sunday was the freestyle, which I basically made up as I went along.  Dylan loved the music and  gave a 66 and some change.  I would have loved to have had Dylan's first 70%, but I was very happy with all we did.  It wasn't that he couldn't do a 70% - it was that I wasn't able to ride him at 70%... YET, lol.  He is a lovely pony.  Nancy, his owner, bent over backwards to make it happen for us both (thank you, Nancy).  Cindy Moriarty was fill in groom when she could and Nancy couldn't ... both of them totally rocked (thank you, Cindy/Nancy).  Everyone from Yellow Rose Dressage did GREAT with their classes.  Allie, on her pony Maple Lane Kero, (also known as Peaches) did a wonderful freestyle and brought the house down on Saturday evening.  Everyone, including Dylan, was awesome.  In addition to the above scores, we ended up being Reserve Champions for each of our Grade II classes.  Thank you, Dylan!   Just think of how well we would have done if we had had a week or two together before hand.  I was completely impressed with Dylan, Nancy, Cindy,  Allie and EVERYONE at Yellow Rose Dressage.

A very huge hug and thank you to everything Yellow Rose Dressage did and everything they ARE doing to help us on our journey to London.  A very big hug and thank you to Missy Ransehousen and Sharon Schneidman for all you guys do to help make us all be our best as well.

If you are in TX, check them out HERE!   (pictures coming soon!)

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Medicine Wind Tack Shop

picture from Medicine Wind Tack website
I recently dropped by Medicine Wind Tack Shop  (owned by Dale and Jennifer Martin) to pick up a couple of things as I passed by on my way to volunteer at IPPL (International Primate Protection League).  In the process, I ended up with a Fenwick Titanium shirt and the matching headband.  Products infused with titanium are the latest technology for natural healing.  It is supposed to restore energy, boost the immune system and calm.  Star has a new face mask with this stuff in it and he seems to love it.  When I came up to him yesterday with it, he was literally putting his head into the mask. Thank you for all your help that day, Jennifer!

Check out Medicine Wind!  They carry some nice stuff!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Meet Ghlenlivet! and Classic Star!

Meet Ghlenlivet, affectionately known as Ghlen or Ghlennie.  He is owned by Greg and Nancy Stanton of Chardon, OH.  Nancy is the Grand Prix trainer at Sendon Way Equestrian Center.  Sendon Way is a family affair with Nancy being the trainer, Sharon being quite involved, and Greg & Nancy and Bob and Bernie living on the property.  The horses have 24 hour care.  Their awesome groom is Alex.

I met them when looking for a horse for purchase when I thought I might have sponsorship to that end.  That ended up falling through, but maybe I can find another way to one day own this lovely, kind hearted, talented boy.  There are not many horses I get on and they immediately feel like a glove.  Umm, not that I could sit his HUGE trot right away, but that he just fit.  He lifted up into me and I was carried by him.  The rhythm from his gait settled into my head where I was able to get my cues to land at the appropriate time without 10 days of practice on him.  (There is alot I have to compensate for the land both sides of my cue at the same moment and in the correct moment of the stride.)  From the moment I saw him, I was smitten and wished there was a way I could own him.  But it was not to be.   I approached them about the possibility of trying to take him to the 2012 Paralympic Selection Trials instead of purchasing him at this time.  God must have been smiling at me, the stars all aligned and the Stanton's graciously offered to take Ghlen off the market until after the Paralympic Games in London.  These people took me in like their own and have graciously made themselves available in every way possible to help this happen.  Look for us in London!

To the Stanton's and Lewis' - from the bottom of my heart, thank you so much for giving me this opportunity with this special boy.  It's been love at first site with him - an instant bond that doesn't happen very often in a lifetime.  Stay tuned!  We plan to knock everyone's socks off :)


Meet Classic Star!  Star, Starstar, Starmeister has been a horse I have been riding for about 4 years now.  His owner is Beverly Rardin.  She contacted me several years back and told me she had a jumping horse who was getting up in years and knew he had some dressage training (but wasn't completely sure how much - around maybe 4th level)  and would I come work with him to see what kind of dressage he knew and could get back after being out of it for so long.  I needed a horse to ride and she needed her horse to be ridden.  So it was a perfect fit!

I took the first two years to build up his back strength and hind end as he had been ridden in a hunter/jumper frame instead of a FEI dressage frame for the last 10 years or so - give or take.  Gradually, he began to build up his different muscles and began to love his dressage work.  We were starting things like 1/2 passes at the trot and canter, collected and medium canter, 1/2 step trots, etc....  He had obviously had some dressage training up to at least I1.  One day, he began to offer 2 tempi and was so proud of himself!  I didn't ask for it, but I was certainly happy at his exuberance!  After that first day, he would offer 2 tempis whenever he was excited and happy with his work.

Beverly and I began to search for his passport.  We tracked it down and low and behold, Star is not 15 or 16 like we thought, but 24!  Not only that, he was a Grand Prix jumper in his younger years and had attended the big wig shows in Aachen and such.  So we decided to try and make a bid for London with the 24, going on 4 year old.  Only Star had some interim plans.  With his spunk and spirit we all know, he decides that kicking his stall wall might be a fun thing to do.  In the process, he broke his splint bone.  We think he may have at that time also injured his suspensory in that leg because all his xrays had been clean to that point for suspensory injuries.  It's been a process getting him back.  But Star is all heart and loves a job.  Then in the middle of rehabbing him, I had an injury and was out for 4 months.   I'm back.  Star's back.  I am willing to work and see what he can do as long as he is wanting to try and is not injured.  So we are working to get to Selection Trials.  So far, so good...but he has a long way to go to get the stiffness out from being off for so long.  He is also a bit emotional with things, which is new for him.  So I'm taking it one day at a time and seeing what he can do each day.   We are working every day on getting there and I have no doubt as to his "want to" and drive.  It will be fun to give him a chance in his golden years to shine on the international stage one more time.  For me, it's more about the relationship than the goal - so if he ever decides he can't - or if he is in danger of being injured again, we won't do it.  The horse comes first.  Always.  But if he can, then we will.

Beverly has also taken me under her wing and adopted me.  She has done absolutely everything possible to help me, not only with Star, but simply to make it to the Paralympics.  I could not do this without people like her who give so generously and do everything they can to make someone else's dreams come true.  Beverly is a class act and it's an honor to know her and work with her horse.

Star has quite the personality and it is impossible not to love him.  I love him so much.  If I could own him, I would own him too!   I am so proud to ride him and honored to be a part of his life.  To Beverly, from the bottom of my heart, thank you for allowing me to ride him and see what he can do.  He's got too much heart to turn out to pasture and retirement until he says he is ready.  Thank you.


To the Stanton's, Lewis' and Rardins:  I am honored beyond belief that you have entrusted your horses to me.  I get teary eyed everytime I think of the trust you've put in me with your wonderful partners.  I hope to make you all proud of your four legged family members.  Thank you!

Wednesday, April 04, 2012

$100 Gas Card Gift Goes To....

Beverly Rardin!  Congratulations!

A great big thank you to all who contributed to help me raise money to attend the last requirement in Houston in order to remain eligible for the Selection Trials.  This fundraiser raised about $50 towards that.  Every little bit helps and I am so grateful for everyone who participated.


Friday, March 16, 2012

Free Gas!

I am still raising money to try and make it to Houston, TX to the 3* there and then to Selection Trials. The ipod raised $200.  $200 down, $54,800 to go.

Anyone who makes a donation (tax deductible!) in my name to USPEA (our non-profit for our international riders) this month will be entered to win a free $100 gas card.  Every $2 will generate one raffle ticket.  You will be contacted with your ticket numbers.

The dates are from now through the end of the month.  The winner will be notified by phone or email on April 1st with a blog post to follow here not long after.

There are two ways to give:
1.  Donate by clicking on and following the directions of the purple label near the top of this page OR by going to   Donations MUST be earmarked for Kim Jones or it goes to a general fund and I won't know of your gift.

2.  Paypal as a gift to my email:

Thank you so much and good luck!

Friday, March 09, 2012

Black Bottom Tack Shop; Ladson, SC

Black Bottom Tack Shop in Ladson, SC has been established since 1989 and provides all ranges of tack and equipment for the horseman at affordable prices. Their staff is wonderful and can help you find anything you might need. They bend over backwards to help me with my needs: before WEG in 2010, after WEG, and now as I aim for the 2012 Paralympic Games. They always go over and beyond the call of duty for anything needed. I have many friends who also shop there and have always heard nothing but great things about their tack shop! If they don't have it, they can get it for you. Check them out HERE or at

Thank you, Black Bottom Tack!

Tuesday, March 06, 2012

The Dressage Foundation

The Dressage Foundation is an organization founded by Lowell Boomer in 1989 with the mission: "To cultivate and provide financial support for the advancement of dressage."  Mr Boomer was also the founding organizer of the USDF in 1973.

I had the honor of speaking with him by phone for about an hour and a half in 2010, asking all kind of questions of how to fundraise for competing internationally.  There are not many organizations that help financially with para riders in dressage, but that is changing.

The Dressage Foundation has quite a few avenues for someone wishing to invest  funds and receive a return as well as grants to help athletes, judges and coaches ease the financial burden.  You can check out The Dressage Foundation's website HERE or you can go to

If you have any questions, contact me and I'll try to point you in the right direction.  You can also contact them directly by clicking on the contact button on their website.

Thursday, March 01, 2012

And the winner is...

Dachia Arritola!  Congratulations on winning the February raffle Ipod Touch!  May you have hours and hours of fun with your new ipod :)

A big thank you to all who participated!  I will be raffling another item for March.  Let me know if you have any ideas!

(I was going to post a video of the ticket being drawn, but am having trouble uploading the video clip.  Here is a picture of the winning ticket.)  Thank you again to all who participated and a huge congratulations to Dachia!

Monday, February 13, 2012

iPod Touch Raffle

Photo from Apple
We are raffling an iPod Touch 8Gb to try and raise funds to compete in Del Mar at the Dressage Affair, Texas, and the Selection Trials.

The raffle cost is $2/ticket.

Drawing is on February 29 at 5pm EST.

Drawing will be videoed and posted.

I will contact the winner and let them choose white or black (the only two colors offered in the iPod Touch) and if they want their name engraved.  The iPod will then be send directly to the winner from Apple.

There are 3 ways to pay:

1) pay pal as a "gift".

2) click the purple link on my blog below the opening picture and follow those directions.  This take you to the USPEA (United States Para Equestrian Association) and will make your donation tax deductible.  Be sure and designate that it goes to me under "special instructions".  Otherwise I will never know you donated and your money will go to a general fund.


3) write a check to USPEA for the amount you want to spend on the raffle and contact me under the comments section of this blog for a mailing address.

Good luck!  Thank you to all who have entered so far!  I couldn't do it without all the wonderful friendships and support I have been given.  Thank you all from the bottom of my heart!

Sunday, February 05, 2012

Here's What's Going On!

Mom grooming Lou Sept 2011
Well, alot has been going on, which I will tell you about.  I am still hopeful to make it to selection trials.  But first, let met tell you what is going on in my world.

As you know, we had to pull out of nationals last year.

Star has started with his rehabilitation.

I had a wee bit of a horse accident in December and am not back to riding.  I am hoping to be back in the saddle very soon!

I missed my two Florida 3*'s.  I wasn't able to locate a horse in time.  Not to mention I was not back to riding yet (although if I had found a horse, I would have been there anyway).  There was also the small, wee little issue of not having raised enough funds to get there.

The Colleen Kelly clinic was canceled, but we are working on rescheduling for either May and/or August.  I'll keep you posted.

I have, so far, been unable to raise enough funds to go to Del Mar.  I have to have an entry in by Feb 17, so that does not leave much time to raise the funds.  I'm working on it hard every day though.  After Del Mar, there is only one more 3* left before selection trials.

Even though I made my qualifying score for the Selection Trials for London in 2010, we also have to go to a 3* between Dec of last year and April of this year to remain eligible.

It's getting down to the wire.  If anyone knows of any immediate like, good fundraisers ideas, contact me right away.

Thank you guys for all your encouragement and support these last few years.  I still plan to make it to London!  I'm not sure how, but I still plan to make it.  I plan to not only make it, but make it and kick butt.  Stay tuned.  I'll try to do better with the updates!

Congratulations to all my teammates who have been out sweeping up competitions left and right.  I am so proud of them!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Walter Zettl Clinic November 2011 in Houghton, NY

My computer died, so I have no pictures of Walter & Heide Zettl and me.  But...

Here is a link to parts of a recent lesson with Walter Zettl.  I had not ridden this horse before my lessons with him, so please be kind!  The horse is E.T.,  a 20 plus year old schoolmaster who has taken a few riders to their gold medals.  I was very honored to be given the privilege to ride him and learn on him with Walter.  When I look at videos of myself, I see just how much I have to go to be where I want to be.  I am encouraged at where I've come from, but very aware of how so very much more I have to relearn and learn.  I tend to be critical of my every mistake and it makes me want to ride much better with each ride.  (I call it my "dork" position... and ask each of my coaches to help me get the "dork look" out of my riding, lol!)  The better position I can have and the more accurate I can be with my cues, the better we can dance together as partners. It's come a long way - but, wowza, it has a long ways to go!  Hope you enjoy :)  Thank you ET for the ride, JoAnne for the loan, and Walter for the lesson!

Monday, January 16, 2012

Well, it looks like it's time for an update here!   The horse pictured above was my Radical.  Oh how I miss that boy.

2011 ended with a bang.  Ha, in more ways than one.  I trained with Missy and Jessica Ransehousen for a couple of weeks in September, there was an awesome clinic by Robert Dover in Gladstone, NY,  I took a lesson from Walter Zettl courtesy of Challenged Athletes foundation, I audited another clinic given by Walter Zettl, started rehabbing Classic Star,  finally got to clinic with Karen Rolhf at Michelle Donlick's of Avalo Farm (I've been wanting to for years now), started learning how to make horse hair bracelets, fell off a friend's horse, and did a whole lot of resting and recuperating.  I hope to resume riding this week!

I'm in fundraiser mode now, hoping to make it to Del Mar.  I was registered to compete in FL these last three weeks of January, but was unable to find a horse.  I even had Hope Hand and a few others scouting for a horse for me and did not hear back from any of them of finding one either before the entry deadline.  So I had to withdraw.  I'm hoping for better luck for California!

Horse Hair Bracelets!  For a donation of $30, you get a horse hair bracelet made with hair from your horse (if you wish).

Colleen Kelly is coming to town.  For those of you who don't know her, she is an expert in rider biomechanics.  For those of you who know ME, you know that is a big interest of mine, especially with all the compensating I have to do just to live through a day, much less ride!  She also has hooked up with Pat and Linda Parelli - which is a huge plus.  I regularly toot the horn of natural horsemanship and believe it goes such a long way to develop that relationship we all want.  You can find out more about Colleen Kelly here.
If you are interested, give me a ring - or comment on this entry form.  I'll get back to you with more information.
Also, I'll be posting a whole post about the up coming clinic once we get the details ironed out!

The road to 2012 has been varied and quite bumpy.  But my nose is still pointed in that direction.  Stay tuned!