PHOTO BY JAN TAYLOR - Susan Selvey and Tal-Shaya piaffe
Hi. My name is Kim and I am new to blogging. First, there are many, MANY people to thank and recognize. Please be patient as I do this. I will get around to thanking each and every one of you for your friendship, support, and sponsorships! Thank you!
I am starting this blog out with an auction. Let me explain.
I am a disabled rider and I, along with my mount, Fascination, (owned by Bill and Jennifer Conour of Indiana) am an alternate for the United States Para Equestrian Team slated to compete in the 2010 Alltech World Equestrian Games this fall. My teammates and I are all working hard to raise funds to train and compete at these Games. (Or in my case, be READY to compete, should the need arise.)
There is a local GP rider, FEI level coach and judge in Moncks Corner named Susan Selvey, pictured above riding her GP horse, Tal-Shaya. She coaches through the FEI levels in dressage and works with lower level eventers and jumpers. She is offering two lessons up for auction to help me raise money to train and compete. I have taken several lessons from her over the last three years as I was able, and have learned so much from her. She is patient, has a good eye, and adapts her teaching style to fit her students' style of learning. She keeps a well run barn, and her horses are happy, safe, well fed, and well looked after. Her farm is in Moncks Corner, called One Tempi Farm. You can find her website at: http://www.onetempifarm.com/
Here is how it will work:
1. You can bid online on the comments section here under this post for 2 lessons with Susan, with the highest bid winning. Bids end on Saturday, August 21, 2010 at 7pm.
2. Leave your email address and I will contact the highest bidder and make arrangements. I have to approve entries before they are posted, so emails do not have to made public.
3. The lesson is at her farm on your horse. Or you can arrange with her to take at her farm on one of her horses after winning.
4. Starting bid for two lessons is $50 total. The winner will make their check out to USPEA and mail to me - OR they can donate directly online by clicking the "donate" button at the website www.uspea.org. But they must specify that the donation is to go to Kim Jones. Either way, the donation will be tax deductible.
Start your bidding and thank you so much for your support!