I've given posts to each of my coaches and the grooms that have helped me along the way this year. Now I would like to say thank you to all the many individuals who have encouraged me along the way. If I have missed you, PLEASE forgive me, and PLEASE let me know so I can add you. It is totally a mistake if your name has not been mentioned!
A huge thank you to my individual sponsors for 2010. I could not have done what I did without your financial support! Thank you!
* Allene Wiley
* Ashley Farrell
* Beverly Rardin
* Bill and Marilyn Goff
* Children of the Georgetown, SC YMCA
* Dolores Reynolds
* Gwen Siegrist
* Kathy Giannocopoulos
* Kim Sturgeron
* Laura Clark
* Leon and Nancy Nobles
* Linda Sandoe
* Mary Beth Bennett
* Mary Lenhart
* Melissa Phillips
* Mike Kelly
* Polly McKnight
* Rae Lee
* Robin and Kathy Marshall
* Rodney Spence
* Shirley McGreal
A special thank you to my fundraising gurus for 2010! I never would have been able to raise the money to do what I did without your tireless help. Thank you!
* Kim Sturgeon
* Lori Reed
* Sheila Spinx
Also a huge thank you to all my family and friends. I could not have this without your awesome friendships! Thank you all!
* Amanda Forbus
* Andrew Lenhart and Michael Bland
* Ann Jones Gilman
* Ashley Doscher
* Barb Hutchison
* Barnaba and Barbara
* Betty Dean
* Bob and Kelly Parr
* Brandon Jones
* Bryan Tesh
* Carolyn Martel
* Chainey Briar Farm; Ridgeville, SC
* Correy Fore
* Dachia Arritola - The Healthy Horseman
* Dave and Barbara Rippon
* Dave Garino
* Dave Jones 1
* Dave Jones 2
* Dave Jones 3
* Dick and Jan Knight
* Donna Karianen
* Georgetown Kraft Credit Union
* Gigi Nutter
* Gwen Jones Hanger
* Hardy and Robin Brown
* Harry and Peggy Jones
* Heather Bertauski
* Helen Geromette
* Igor of IPPL
* IPPL; Summerville, SC
* Jack and Mary Jane Tesh
* Jackie Durr
* Jan Taylor
* Jennifer Zimmerman
* Jodie Donohoe
* Josh Guin
* Josh Jordan
* Julia Jacobs
* Karen Vasquez
* Kay Johnson
* Kemper Jones
* Laura Miller
* Lauren Barwick
* Lauren Griffin
* Lia Aybood
* M&M Kahler and family
* Marian Reads
* Marilyn Gilligan
* Marissa and Doug Jones
* Mark Delegge
* Mary and Bucky Lenhart
* Mary Ann Martin
* Mel Spivey
* Melissa Standifer
* Mike and Jackie Stout
* Mike and Pam Collins
* Mike Steinmetz
* Mr. and Mrs. Jacobs
* Murray and Brenda Presley
* Nancy Hilburn
* Nell
* Pam McCoy
* Peggy Jones
* Rebecca Wilkin
* Reva Murphy
* Rob and Andrea Lenhart
* Rob Chaffart
* Rob Coker
* Robin Marcinko
* Robin Monn
* Rusty and Becky Fort
* Sandra and Paul Snyder
* Sara Fitzgerald
* Steve Nelson and Pete Vitale
* Theresa Doherty
* Theresa Partilla
* Tim and Ann Nelson
* Tracey Gordon
* Tracey Rowe
* Vanessa Hinson
* Zoe of IPPL
A special hug and thank you to my mom, Jean Jones, for taking the time to care for my animals while I am gone, even though some of them are aging and require special attention. Luv u mom! Thank you!